Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of the renowned Kennedy family, stunned the nation by suspending his independent presidential campaign and endorsing Donald Trump...
Fires have engulfed the Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion, which had been abandoned by its crew earlier this week, according to authorities. The vessel, anchored...
Michelle Obama delivered a scathing rebuke of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the Democratic National Convention, targeting his character and racist attacks that...
As Hurricane Ernesto gained strength in the Atlantic Ocean, it sent powerful swells and rip currents crashing onto the US east coast, prompting warnings...
Pakistan is reeling from the devastating impact of monsoon rains that have swept through the country, causing widespread flooding and landslides. The death toll...
On Wednesday, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed laws that reduce the state’s property and income taxes. This followed a special session where lawmakers...