As Ukraine celebrated its 33rd Independence Day, the country marked a significant milestone with the exchange of over a hundred prisoners of war with...
The government of Venezuela has taken a series of steps to stifle dissenting voices following the presidential election last month, which it claims Nicolas...
The 2024 US presidential election has just taken a dramatic turn with the revelation that Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the independent candidate and environmental...
At least five US Secret Service agents have been placed on modified duty, also known as administrative leave, in connection with the investigation into...
Scotland’s External Affairs Secretary, Angus Robertson, has apologized for holding a meeting with Israel’s deputy ambassador, Daniela Grudsky, which he believes was misinterpreted as...
Ramone Jamarr Alston, known as the “Christmas Day Killer,” who escaped custody on Tuesday morning and fled into the woods near UNC Hillsborough Hospital,...