Howard University has decided to sever its connections with Sean “Diddy” Combs by revoking an honorary degree awarded to him and terminating a scholarship...
Rhiannan Iffland stood on a platform nearly seven stories high above Boston Harbor, with thousands of cheering fans gathered below on docks, roofs, and...
Stocks fell and Treasury yields rose sharply on Friday after the government released a jobs report with higher-than-expected numbers. The report suggests that markets...
Nathan Vasquez, a centrist candidate for district attorney, has defeated the current progressive prosecutor in Multnomah County, Oregon, where Portland is located. Vasquez campaigned...
Texas’ health department appointed a vocal anti-abortion OB-GYN to a committee that reviews deaths related to pregnancy, even as doctors warn that the state’s...
On Wednesday, the New York state Senate passed a bill aimed at explicitly allowing evidence of previous sexual offenses in cases involving sex crimes....